Shanlax Publications
Shanlax Publications
Book Format
5.5 In x 8.5 In
Health is an extremely prejudiced concept. Good health means different things to different people, and its meaning varies according to individual and community expectations and context. Many people consider themselves healthy if they are free of disease or disability. However, people who have a disease or disability may also see themselves as being in good health education evaluation. Meanwhile, if they are able to manage their condition. So that it does not impact greatly on their quality of life. Human behavior is among the major determinants of the health of individuals, families or communities.
Healthy behaviours contribute to the overall health education evaluation of individuals, communities and unhealthy behaviours adversely affect the quality of life people at different levels. Most health issues cannot be dealt with by treatment alone. The promotion of health and prevention of diseases will usually involve some changes in life styles or human behavior. The present investigation aimed to evaluate the health education of disabled children in India. To evaluate health education of disabled children, Three Checklists, One rating scale and Four modules were developed by the investigator. At the same time, to assess the evaluation of disabled children among general teachers, special educators and health professionals.
The report is presented in five chapters. Chapter I briefs the concept and the theoretical framework of the study with objectives, hypotheses and scope of the study. In order to, Chapter II presents the review of related literature which brought out the previous groundwork done on the topic of this present study. Likewise, Chapter III describes the development of research tools, sample, data collection, and statistical techniques used in this health education study. Chapter IV is concerned with data analysis, testing of hypotheses of the study. Descriptive, Percentage, and Differential analysis was carried out in the Analysis of the study. The last chapter with a summary and suggestions gives an overview of the study and implications of the study.
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