Novels, short stories, graphic novels, and other works that are not based on real life.
Books about real topics, such as biographies, memoirs, self-help, history, travel, cooking, science, technology, and philosophy.
Academic and educational:
Textbooks, academic monographs, reference books, and other materials used in schools and universities.
Conference proceedings:
Publications that compile papers and presentations from academic conferences and symposia.
Monographs and theses:
Books presenting specialized research topics, often derived from doctoral theses or in-depth research studies.
Research journals and magazines:
Scholarly journals, research publications, and academic magazines related to specific fields of study.
Children’s books:
Picture books, early readers, middle-grade books, and young adult (YA) fiction.
Poetry books:
Collections of poetry, anthologies, and works of individual poets.
Art and photography books:
Books showcasing art, photography, or a combination of both.
Biographies and memoirs:
Books that tell the life stories of individuals, whether autobiographies or biographies written by others.
Books that provide recipes, cooking techniques, and related information.
Self-help and personal development books:
Books that offer guidance, advice, and strategies to improve one’s life, habits, relationships, or mindset.
Travel books:
Guides, travel narratives, and travelogues that provide information and insights about travel destinations, cultures, and experiences.
Religious and spiritual books:
Religious texts, spiritual guides, religious commentaries, and books about theology or spirituality.
Historical and political books:
Books that delve into historical events, political ideologies, political analysis, or political figures and their actions.
Science and technology books:
Books that explore scientific principles, discoveries, theories, technology advancements, and related topics.
Business and economics books:
Books covering business strategies, economics, finance, entrepreneurship, leadership, and management.
Health and wellness books:
Books that focus on physical and mental health, nutrition, fitness, wellness practices, and medical information.
- There are many types of books, and each type can have an ISBN. An ISBN is a unique number that tells people what book it is.
- ISBNs are important because they help people identify, order, and track books.
- Any book that is sold should have an ISBN.
Shanlax Publications is an Indian company that publishes academic books. Shanlax Publications assigns ISBNs to all of the books they publish, especially the books they sell.
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